Thursday, July 14, 2016


I recalled what my Uncle James told me (who is also our Instructor in Partnership, 2nd year College), A single strand of coconut stalk could not do the job or its purpose.´ At first, it was too deep for me to comprehend but later on, it was a deepening thought that I still carry until now.

Professionalism is based on several factors including how you dress, carry yourself, the attitude you have and how you can interact with others. Professionalism focuses on the competence or skill that’s expected of a professional. Being a professional means much more than simply wearing nice attires, possessing a college degree or impressive title. Rather, a true professional possess an attitude that is vital to the public, most especially, to the process of our organization.

Being in the public service shows our professionalism; but this does not only refer to licensed individuals but also to those who are not, like tricycle drivers, sales lady, packers and all jobs that we can think of, that is professionalism because they have the knowledge of their job and they do their job with all the guts and glory that they have.

I am the officer in our Public Assistance and Complaints Desk, and there are other four who are doing the frontline servicing, but we have general knowledge of our institution. Let’s take this as an example, when a certain client asks and I know the proper answer, I shall answer it, but when I don’t, I ask my co-worker and relay it to the customer. In that way, I and he/she were properly informed thus allowing me to enrich my understanding of my job.

I cannot deny the fact that sometimes I wake up at the wrong side of the bed; but I leave that grumpy mood at home and not step it in inside the office. I do not take it to my boss, colleague especially to the client because it can create a greater misunderstanding and can lead to a more serious issue that can affect me or my job. Thus, even if I get a bit impatient or irritated with the client, I still listen to them and talk with them while smiling because I know that this curve in my face can change anyone’s mood.

Some of my co-workers do gossips with other employees but I try my best to give a comment because I always say to myself, “If I am not in front of them, they will also be talking about me”, so I just listen to them and try to see if what they are telling are true or not. It was never a good thing to judge other person especially if I do not know anything about him/her or what he/she is going through at this moment.

When I was employed at this agency, I never knew about the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) which is a rating of our services rendered. But even if I have no idea of this, I still am doing my job to the best. I really feel happy, satisfied and contented when my client says, ”Thank you so much for the help!” and the best thing I’ve heard was, “You are my angel today!”, isn’t it amazing? The simple explanation that I did led to an overwhelming expression of happiness and understanding to someone.

At the office, when I know something that my co-worker does not know, I share it or I willingly help especially when they are overburdened. I am not afraid to share to them what I know because there is also information that they know and I don’t; we can always support each other, making office workers easier. One person’s success reflects well on everyone in his or her workplace.

Yes, I may not have all the necessary skills and knowledge but I always am willing to learn more and to give my focus to my job for productivity. I will be more competent in a good way and reliable at the same time because I believe that I will not be in this job if I am not skillful enough for his. I will treat my superiors and co-workers with the highest respect that I can give, to be able to gain the same. I will extend my help extensively not only to my peers but to other people as well.

I will be as organized as possible despite being under stress in order to complete my reports and meet my deadlines. Being highly-organized are more productive, and makes better impressions that can create big opportunities in the future, like promotions. Keeping my work area neat and clean and being able to do work as expected because I have prioritized my assignments, I am showing others that I am a professional who takes my job whole-heartedly. In short, I’ll earn respect by demonstrating and maintaining professional-level organization habits. 

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