Thursday, July 14, 2016


Public officials or public figures misinterpret the meaning of public trust, why do I say so? Because they act as if the things that they have now are their own; where-in-fact, it is and always will be the money of the people especially those who chose them to be where they are right now because of their trust that they will be able to provide them a life that they deserve and they think they still do.

Some government officials or employees use the service-vehicle for their own personal needs and agenda which is in contrary to their commitment of being the diligent father of the family who serves not themselves but the public.  While some bring home the office supplies and label it as theirs; and many other things that does not fully reflect the real meaning of public trust or service which is serving the good and the welfare of the community.

One of the things that I learned during my college days through the subject Obligations and Contracts was, “No one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another(Civil Code of the Philippines, RA 386, Art. 2142, Quasi-Contracts). Working in the government gives me all the opportunities to provide public trust by committing myself to be truly diligent in the exercise of my duty. 

Let’s take the bond papers as an example. I am using a clean sheet of bond paper for formal documents (e.g.  Marketing Letters to Companies) and recycle used paper for office filings only to avoid wastage since papers are one of the most expensive and usable supplies that we need at the office. I seldom go out for Travels or Official Business, and that is the only time that I request for a service vehicle especially when it is far from the office; sometimes, we use our own vehicles if deemed necessary.

I use our photocopiers only for important documents such as DTR’s, letters, and any other agency-used documents knowing that it would take a while for us to request a new ink/cartridge for the equipment and it is also expensive.

I have my own computer at the office, which was issued by our agency, and I use this for the office functions especially when entertaining clients and answering their queries. I do not use it to save any personal documents, like words, music, pictures or even movies; I don’t even use it for browsing social media sites or playing online games; only for public service. And I take care of these equipments as if it is my own so that it won’t be broken.

I use the telephone only when I do some follow-up/s to other branches regarding the transaction of one of my clients and making sure that all calls I do are logged so that our Administrative Officer can monitor the number of minutes that we stayed on the phone and to whom was the call. It is also our basis for future follow-up/s in case the receiver forgets it. I do not use it to call friends, families or make any reservations to the restaurant and many more; it is for and limited only to office-related calls.

Any fund that is given to me for certain allotments, I use it only for it. I do not and will not allow myself to be a source of corruption which can lead others to misjudge me. These funds are from the people and I should know better than to use it for personal consumption.

As a part of a growing government agency, I am also growing as a public servant with several duties and responsibilities; and those mentioned above are only few of the things that I was able to do in order to showcase my integrity to the public. The moment that I had set my foot on this very institution was the same time that I created a meaningful bond between my selfless dedications to the community.

There are many other more ways that I can show commitment to public interest; things that I have done and the things that I might encounter in the future; but should always be done to promote the welfare of everybody at large.

These things might be simple and common to some but these could be hard for others to do especially without proper knowledge and guidance. I will not use my position, information, knowledge or property for my interest especially when it can greatly affect the company and the impressions of the public to government offices/officials. 

I will ensure that the government’s funds, properties and supplies are in good hands; as I am in theirs. I want to be identified as someone who had experienced a quality education and proper training which led me to be a person that upholds moral values, socially responsible and dedicated to greater service.

You can download the PDF through this link:
CSC DLP - Commitment to Public Trust

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