Thursday, July 21, 2016


In 1 Timothy 2:9-10, the apostle Paul writes, “I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”

Modesty, in terms of decent attire, involves following guidelines. These allow us to wear clothes that express our personal style and taste but that still properly cover us, are gender appropriate and are respectful of those who see us on a daily basis.

I disagree with the typical government employee earning P8, 000 a month whose husband earning $500 a month who said that, “CSC does not have the right to tell people what to wear” because CSC, being the central personnel agency of the government, has all the right to prescribe the Dress Code for government officials and employees so that everyone shall be dressed in appropriate business attire.

If the office wants us to look professional, then why aren’t they setting aside fund for uniforms? Aside from the fact that it would be another expense to the fund; some companies prefer to allow employees to dress freely or casually for comfort and a dress that maintains a professional image.

Let’s say that the employee in the scenario is a dedicated employee, but as per description, it does not show in her attire; (1) wearing flashy clothes and jewelries; (2) wearing three bracelets, three gold rings, earrings and anklet; and (3) her dress are given by her husband or bought on installment. Where now is the norm of conduct-simple living? As stated, employees shall lead modest lives appropriate to their positions and income; they shall not indulge in extravagant or ostentatious display of wealthy in any form.

Dressing for a conservative dress is always better than trendy ones to avoid any mishaps about the dress code of CSC. A proper dress code ensures that when your customers look at the employees;, they see people who are dressed appropriately for the industry, which may boost their confidence in the business as a whole.

Dressing in proper business attire is important for every business professional because it gives the message that you are dedicated to your position. The way we dress forms an impression to the clients and overall judgment to the company or the business; it is important to dress that creates a positive impression. The way we dress carries certain messages to those we meet. Appropriate dresses, along with basic etiquette, are associated to professionalism.

Jewelry is indeed a great accessory to enhance any boring outfit ad to highlight what you really want to show. Jewelry at a formal working place should be about restraint. You want to garnish the outfit, embellish it. A great idea is to either pick a few small pieces like a ring, small earrings, a watch or a one big piece, a chunky or layered necklace or a statement ring but don’t overdo it. Keep it elegant and sleek.

Who really sells their clothes for more than they paid? Investment applies that you are stashing your money for safe keeping and growth. There is no such thing as an investment to clothes. Splurging yourself to expensive clothes that runs of out of style after months is irresponsible disposal of income. 

But is it socially irresponsible to continue feeding the minds of people that they need things they can’t afford? We should know better on how to handle our finances than to flaunt our fashion and later on wallow ourselves to self-pity for spending too much on something unimportant.

We must remember to take the company for which we are working for because we reflect our employer’s operation. As government employees, we must strongly support the dress code of CSC because its aim is to align our outfit with our daily activities at the office. With a clear dress code, CSC will be able to help the employees avoid making inappropriate choices in the dress that could cause a safety problem or a human resources issue.

While each of us have the right to express ourselves, so as businesses, and the way we dress definitely sends intended or unintended messages to the market. Although dressing professionally is important, it also important to dress relative to our co-workers because what is acceptable to one company could be looked down upon at another.

It is possible to remain stylish yet modest, and it usually just a matter of a few inches of fabric than yards of coverage. Modest attire is one of the easiest ways of showing love for fellow human beings and respect for one’s self. Take a good taste and style in God’s way of life – set a modest example!

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